Friday, October 3, 2008
So some of you ladies may not find this as interesting as I do since you guys are now pro's at being moms! But I can't help but be fascinated by this whole process...
So this is what he's like at four weeks...(oh! and by the way, I have a gut feeling its a boy- So I will be referring to it as a "him" until otherwise informed.)*
So right now he is the size of a poppyseed. Since he is too little to get an accurate measure, they guesstimate he is <.25" long and weighs less than .25 oz
His nerve growth has begun, and he is starting to form a spinal column.
Mara-I know exactly how you feel! It seems so crazy and it seems so unreal for a very long time, I think. I am so freaking happy for you guys!
MOM-Congrats, I am so excited for you guys to experience all the love that comes with a baby! PS I can't wait to snuggle with your baby
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