Three months late...

Monday, February 23, 2009

I was going through my camera, and found these two pics of some of the crafts I created for I guess you'll have to enjoy them now that its almost St. Patty's day.

These are christmas blocks I made for my Mother in Law and sister in law. I also made some for myself... :)

Now this craft was my was a Cupcake Count book I made for my sister in law and her twins.
Now that I know my baby is a girl, I'm going to have to make one for myself!

Prego Pics

About 5-6 weeks:

* Don't mind how dirty the mirror is...Bevan and I had been painting in there and apparently didn't clean it...whoops.

About 16 weeks:

23 weeks:

This was taken today at 25 weeks, two days:

* At 25 weeks, I have gained about 10-11 lbs.
* I have heart burn like no other...
* And my body has moved fat ( or gained fat) to my sides, so I now have love handles...
But on the bright side, the second tri has been SO MUCH more enjoyable than the first. She moves around like crazy and kicks pretty hard, especially at night and at 3 o'clock in the morning when Bevan gets home. I have tons more energy, I feel good almost all of the time, and I can eat like a normal person without having the threat of getting sick if I didn't eat every 10 min!
Despite the heartburn, love handles, and constant kicks to the belly button- I feel lucky to have such a smooth pregnancy thus far. It's been a great experience.

A very cool find...

Friday, February 13, 2009

I came across this really cool website that lists all of the promotions/"couponing" opportunities at certain stores. They mainly focus on Albertsons & Target. But anyways, they show how to save the most amount of $ possible- and this blog is maintained by stay at home moms that are interested in getting a bang for their buck!
If you are on a tight budget, or just like receiving "free" stuff/ items on a discount...check out this blog!!

I sure do...

Wednesday, February 11, 2009

love my husband. Sometimes, I think back- and can't even believe we have been together for almost SEVEN years. That seems so long- yet I can remember our first "date" as if it were yesterday. We watched Finding Nemo on Sept. 24, 2002 at his moms house, and then went for a drive. I think we stayed out until about 1 AM driving around talking. I remember once we drove all the way down to Rexburg and back just so we could be together and talk. We have been through so much together and its always amazing to me that we still continue to grow close. Each time we grow closer and closer, I think, "Wow- this is the closest we will ever be..." and then I am proved wrong with the next amazing moment. He is absolutely my better half- and the one who keeps me grounded.
These are just a few of my favorite pictures.... ( sorry if you've already seen them or if I have posted them before.)

Our daughter and I sure are lucky to have such a great husband and father.


Sunday, February 8, 2009

So after much debating, many veto's (think Friends), and a lot of discussion- Bevan and I have finally named our baby girl!
We are looking forward to the arrival of Parker Mae Burnell in four months!
By the way, Bevan is very proud of the fact that he came up with this name himself! And I am to tell anyone who asks that it was all him... haha :)