
Monday, November 24, 2008

About three things I was certain.
Edward was a vampire.
A part of me thought Edward was really sexy, and I knew exactly how dominate that part was.
And I was unconditionally and irrecoverably in love with this movie.

I take back all of the negative stuff I said. I have seen the movie three times now, and it gets better and better each time.

Review of Twilight

Sunday, November 23, 2008

Ok so if you have not seen the movie, and plan on should stop reading NOW.
Last night, my mom, sister, and I FINALLY went to see the movie ( two days after it came out was a little long for me) and I have to say that I have mixed reviews. If I was to follow that weird thumb rating those movie guys do...I would say one thumb up, one thumb down.
For the negatives...
*Their cinematography was really strange. It was like a low budge film company tried REALLY hard to make it a high budget film...but it fell short. There were some parts where the actual image on the screen was just what a documentary looks like. Its hard to explain...if you guys have seen it, you'll know what I'm talking about.
* Whoever cast Jacob and Jasper should be fired, ESPECIALLY because of Jacob. When he came on screen...laughter literally rang out through the theater. It was bad.
* Bella also fell short. There was a little bit of bad acting...but that is just one girls opinion.
*The climbing and running kind of bugged me. It was a little hokey, but I can't think of a better way they could have showed I guess this complaint gets canceled out.

Now for the positives( which I would say this movie had more positives than negatives)...
* They did a FANTASTIC job on showing the intensity and devotion Edward has for Bella. In some parts, it actually gave me butterflies.
* They also did a great job on showing their love for each other...a lot of the key scenes between them was exactly how I had imagined it when I read the book.
* They did a great job on casting Emmett( Holy crap this guy was HOT!) and Alice and Dr. Cullen.
* Robert Pattinson did a great job as Edward. I know there are going to be a lot of people that disagree with this...but holy hell that guy is sexy. The way he talked, moved, and interacted with Bella was a lot like I had pictured it in my head while reading the book. At times he was a little awkward, sorta funny ( whether he meant to or not), and he did a great job showing the kind of love that exists between him and Bella.

Although I had mixed feelings when I left the theater, I will still see it again, and I will probably own it when it comes out on DVD. The best advice I can give on seeing this movie is : don't expect everything to be exactly like the book. And form an opinion for yourself, not based off what other people have said.

...there are no words

Friday, November 21, 2008

This probably has to be one of my favorite moments on the best show EVER...

A week of good deals.

Monday, November 17, 2008

So this past week at work, I have come across some AMAZING deals. It's all been baby stuff...which makes me think it's some sort of sign.

1. The booster seat.

I found this Safety First booster seat at work for only FIFTEEN DOLLARS!! It was originally about $110...and it comes with all this fancy stuff. I realize I won't actually need this for a while, but with it being almost 200% below cost- I couldn't pass it up. I also scored two more of them for my sister in law who is having twins!
It's kind of if we have a girl- I'm going to have to find a cover for it- or just let her sit in a boy seat.

2. The diapers

It was kind of weird that I found these diapers. They were returned- and sitting in an odd aisle. Since my job requires me to pretty much know everything- I knew that they were something we no longer carried- which usually means they mark them down to get rid of them. So I bought this box of 216 diapers for SEVEN BUCKS! They were also somewhere around 200% below cost...and everyone keeps telling me that I will only need ONE box of size 1-2 diapers because the baby will grow so fast. Well, now I have my box.

3. I found a Carter's two-piece red & white outfit for $2! I didn't take a picture of it...but its actually the first real outfit I have bought for the baby. The pants are cargo, and the shirt says "Daddy's Hero" & has a fire truck on it. If it turns out to be a girl...well...if any of you get pregnant again- you should expect an outfit from me!

Exciting news

Holy crap its been a long time since I have updated anything on here! It's been damn near a month! I would love to blame it on the daily grind of life, being too busy with school and work...but really, it's because I'm lazy.

Last week Bevan was offered a job to work full time in the ED ( It stands for Emergency Department...which is the E.R to us "common folk." However, Bevan insists on calling it the ED...which irritates me.) The amazing thing is that almost all ER's require nurses to have their RN- which Bevan does not. He only has his LPN but since he is an incredibly brilliant & talented nurse, they are willing to let him bypass the rules (temporarily) and work solely in the ER. I say temporarily because they are sending him back to school! He will most likely start in January, and in about a year and a half- he will have his RN. Another great thing is that they will be paying for 80% of his schooling, while working around his schedule. He will actually have a pretty decent schedule, have more hours per pay period, and make more money. He is slightly irritated and bummed out that he has to go back to school- but he knows the opportunities that await him when he's done.

Bevan and I are also getting everything in order so we can sell our house! Although we currently live in a 3 bedroom house, it is simply not big enough, especially with our expanding family. We don't really need more bedrooms, we just need more storage space. We are looking at a house in Shelley that was completely remodeled and is across the street from some of our good friends- but we are also keeping our options open. So if you know of any cute houses for sale, let me know! ( It has to be at least 3 bedrooms...)

This week I will be busy with the Festival of Trees! This year I am actually selling about 70 items- which are the newborn hats, toddler hats & the headbands. I also made up some really cute treat bags. So if you guys live in IF- you should go and support the festival! It officially started today, but it had odd hours- but the regular hours start tomorrow. It will be from 10AM-10PM all the way through Friday. I plan on being there as much as I can- so I hope to see some familiar faces!

Surrounded by idiots

Tuesday, November 4, 2008

So coming down to the main campus in Pocatello on election day was a big mistake. I am literally surrounded by liberal "because it's cool" college students. Here are just a few examples of some of the things I have heard today:

* "I'm voting for Obama because Palin is an idiot. She graduated from Univeristy of Idaho. That would be like me running for President."

* "When McCain was taken during was captured for a few years during some war- I can't remember what its called- but you know what I mean. He was beat so bad that he HAS to have brain damage. I don't want someone with brain damage running the country."

* "McCain is so old he's only going to live for like another year. I know it."

*" Have you ever heard Palin speak- she's illiterate. She uh says stuff like 'uh, and stuff.'"

I'm pretty sure my head is going to explode.

Unexpected Ultrasound

Monday, November 3, 2008

So today was Bevan and I's second appointment with my OB-GYN. I must say the second visit was a lot simpler, funner, and more exciting than the first. Since I am now 9 weeks pregnant, and after reading several pregnancy books- I knew that the baby now has a heartbeat- and I figured it was this appointment we would get to hear it.
Well, I was right.
As soon as we got there, he pulled out the sound machine, and for several minutes tried to locate the heartbeat- but couldn't. Trying to not think the worst-and hoping and praying that everything was alright- the doc said we were going to the ultrasound room "to make sure everything was okay." By this time, I was nearly in tears trying REALLY really hard not to freak out. But five minutes later- Bevan and I were staring at our unborn child with a heartbeat that was racing a mile a minute. It was literally- the most amazing thing I had ever seen.
We saw his little eyes, and his big head- and the most amazing thing of all- was how BRIGHT his heart was- and how big it was compared to his body. It was truly amazing.
All in all the appointment lasted maybe 15 minutes- and as soon as we walked out the door- I was kicking myself for not getting a picture from the ultrasound. But really we were both in too much shock & amazement to actually think clearly.
I guess we'll have to wait for 11 more weeks!