Check it out!

Saturday, October 25, 2008

So today at Recipezaar I am Chef of the Day!!
Just go to and you can see my shiny white face-and look at all my recipes/recipe reviews/etc. However, I am only going to be on the main page until 12 PM tonight.

One complaint.

Friday, October 17, 2008

In a few days, I will be going on 7 weeks of pregnancy. So far everything is ok, but I do have one tiny complaint...or maybe two.

It's kind of ironic that during breast cancer awareness month- mine are hurting so bad, all I can think about is giving mine up.
They hurt so bad, I find myself avoiding pot holes in the street, stairs, and any type of physical activity that might involve some form of jumping, or lifting. If this continues to go on...this might be my only child.

Other than those two very painful things attached to my chest, things with Bevan and I have been going great. I am still trying to juggle 6 classes, 25 hours of work/week, and keeping the house clean. It's usually the house that suffers, but I know I only have to keep this schedule up for a few more months. Bevan and I haven't done much planning or buying when it comes to the baby simply because we don't know what it is. However, we already have a crib ( not yet purchased) thanks to Bevan's side of the family. I did however buy my first official baby item almost a week ago. It was a 3-pack of tiny white and yellow socks- they were just so darn cute. It was actually kind of a traumatic experience just because it made the situation that much more real...however, it only lasted a few seconds. I guess my reaction time to this pregnancy situation is getting better and better each day!

Week 5 stats

Wednesday, October 8, 2008

This week, the baby is about the size of a PEPPERCORN! ( That's quite a size difference compared to a little tiny poppy seed!)

And here is what they said about his development:
Already a busy little bee, your developing embryo now has three layers. The outer layer, or ectoderm, will develop into the nervous system, while the endoderm, or inner layer, will become the liver, pancreas, intestines, and bladder. This week, the mesoderm, or middle layer, is developing into the heart and circulatory system, which will be the first organs to function. In the weeks to come, the mesoderm will also form the bones, muscles, kidneys and reproductive organs.

This stuff is all so fascinating. I really should have paid more attention in school!


So today Bevan and I had our first doctors appointment! And the Big day is...
(can i get a drum roll please?)

June 7th!!

Everything checked out as normal, and the doc says we are both doing fine! They also estimated that I am 5 weeks 2 days pregnant.
They sent me home with a TON of stuff- I got like 8 magazines, three binkys, a ton of Similac and Enfamil samples ( I even got a big can of Similac), plus coupons & other stuff. It was kind of crazy! But I guess since I will be visiting them so much, and paying them a buttload of money, they had to give me something, right? ;)

jlb & baby

Week 4 Stats

Friday, October 3, 2008

So some of you ladies may not find this as interesting as I do since you guys are now pro's at being moms! But I can't help but be fascinated by this whole process...
So this is what he's like at four weeks...(oh! and by the way, I have a gut feeling its a boy- So I will be referring to it as a "him" until otherwise informed.)


So right now he is the size of a poppyseed. Since he is too little to get an accurate measure, they guesstimate he is <.25" long and weighs less than .25 oz
His nerve growth has begun, and he is starting to form a spinal column.

Excuse me? What does that say?

Thursday, October 2, 2008

If your trying to figure out what the picture is- let me clear it up for you. Those would be three POSITIVE pregnancy tests taken by ME. So...I'm pregnant. It's still a really hard concept for me to grasp, but I'm hoping one day it will all make sense!

As you can guess this was a HUGE shock for both Bevan and I- but we are taking it as well as can be expected for people who were just totally blindsided. Don't get me wrong, we are both extremely thrilled and happy- but as of right now- all we can feel is shock. Oh, and TERRIFIED.

My first doctors appointment is next week in which I will get a due date. If you were to go by the conceived date- I'm almost three weeks. However,I guess doctors don't really do that- they go by the first day of your last period. So going by that method- I'm about four and half weeks pregnant.

I would imagine there will be a TON of posts about this newest curve ball life has just thrown us- but for now, I'm just waiting for the shock to wear off.