
Friday, February 29, 2008

Ever since I got home today from work, all I have done is write. I finally finished another segment of my story (Technically Ch.3). It's amazing how long it takes to write things out, and then go through and edit all of the other stuff I've written. And as I was writing it, I felt myself go through the emotions the character was going through. I actually felt nervous and anxious-it was a little strange.

Bevan went car shopping today ( b/c his car ended up being totaled), and he found one he likes. We are just waiting for the insurance check, and then we will own a new car!
Anyways, thats the newest update in the Burnell household.

For my brother

Wednesday, February 27, 2008

This is for my brother Brandon. Right now he is overseas and no one has heard from him from our family except for his wife.
So Bran, by chance, if you read this- call home!!
I miss you, and love you.
I hope you are being safe, or I'll throw a mustard jar at your head. ;)


Rock the vote!

Tuesday, February 26, 2008

(Sorry, Talia...I stole your title.)

Ok, so I don't know who actually reads this thing!! But Im writing a "book" ( let's just call it a really long story. I don't like calling it a book) So far I have written two chapters, and I would love to share them with my friends and family-however, I am skeptical about posting them on this blog. So, I guess I will just take a vote, and see if any of you want me to post what I have written on here.
And if none of you vote, well then there is my answer!!


Day at the Museum.

Saturday, February 23, 2008

So I have never seen the movie "Night at the Museum", and I don't know what kind of adventures they had, but our day at the museum was a blast. It was mainly because I went with my two little sisters, and my friend Mindy. The World of Pharaohs exhibit has just opened yesterday, and the place was pretty much packed. The history and overwhelming knowledge of the Egyptians and pharaohs was really interesting, but hanging out with Emily was the most fun. I swear to you that little girl is 100% crazy, but she is soooo much fun.

(This is her at my wedding.)

Here are just a few of the funny things that comes out of her mouth:

"I know what I'm talking about, trust me."

"So George (her dog) was sitting next to Mom, and he farted, and it was the WORST THING I HAVE EVER SMELT."

" I have this fake horse, with only one head, and a nose. Oh! But he doesn't have any me, I checked."

"I don't think my little brother is going to like me that much. I don't care."

This wast just a few crazy things she said. She also does "River dance", which I think I previously mentioned. Oh, and she sings Opera. But mind you, this is 6 year old opera.
"JessssiiiiccccAAAAAA...wiiillllll yooouuu tiiiiiieeee my SHHHHHOOOOOEEEEEEE!??"

Today was the best day, she is totally the light of my life ( with the exception of Bevan). My only regret is that I couldn't take any pictures ( the museum wouldn't allow it). Even though I am having a hard time with her little brother being born, I hope that he is as much fun and bright as she is.


Day from hell

Friday, February 22, 2008

Today is not a good day.
We are pretty much broke.
Bevan got in another car wreck. He is okay.
It's times like this that I really kick myself for taking so long to get through school.

My Book

Wednesday, February 20, 2008

So as I was sitting here watching "tv" on the computer, an idea came to me about my "book"( I'm playing it fast and loose with the term book). This is basically my thesis, and you guys should tell me what you think. Im also at a loss for a title. If you have any ideas...
Ok so here is the thesis:

But first, AUTHOR'S DISCLAIMER: Some people may think that this is a little touchy, or has some hidden message given the drama that has occurred in my family. IT IS NOT. I am not trying to offend anyone, or portray anyone. However, there is that old saying, "write what you know." Well, this is what I know.

Cadence Jones comes from a long history of infidelity. Her mother, father, brother, grandfather, cousin, second cousin and best friend ( oh! probably her dog too…)have all been unfaithful. Things with her current boyfriend Sam are going spectacular. However, when the ex-love of her life comes back into town Cadence begins to worry. Can she stay on the righteous path, or is she destined for doom by following the ways of her family?



A typical Burnell night

Monday, February 18, 2008

So last night I decided to take pictures of what usually goes on in a typical night at the Burnell house.

This is Thor and Bevan cuddling. As soon as Bevan comes home from work, and sits down, Thor has to be right ON top of him. I guess he thinks I neglect him? But Thor is so cute, sometimes I think he thinks he only weighs 5 lbs instead of 70!

This is Doomsday trying to ruin the moment for Thor.

Doomsday is typically more my dog, and follows me around loyally. However, he does get jealous ANY time Thor gets attention. But that only lasts for about 5 seconds when he realizes that he is no longer at my side.

This is DD with "Princess Leia" ears. I love to torture him since he is almost constantly on my lap.

This is doomsday sprawled on my legs. He didn't enjoy the fact that I was taking up most of the couch, so he just decided to lay on top of me. In the picture above, he was actually starting to "nod off", even though he was partially standing. It was really funny to watch his little head hit the back of the couch, and startle him awake.

I think this blog makes me a major nerd, but I don't care. This is seriously how it is in my house. Bevan comes home, the dogs fight for his attention, beg for food while we eat and watch Will & Grace, and then we turn in for the night. I love having a routine and some normalcy in my life. I may be a dork for writing and taking pics of my husband with the dogs, but they are my family.

A week in review.

Sunday, February 17, 2008

Wow. I haven't posted in a while. So I thought I would fill y'all in on what's been going on the past week.

Bevan tested for Bonneville County almost a week ago. He got the top score in both the physical and written tests. They called him a couple days ago, just to let him know that interviews will begin in March. So I'm keeping my fingers crossed that the interview goes well, and he will finally have his dream job!

Bevan also started his "internship" with the Shelley police. ( They call it something other than internship, but I can never remember what it is.) He came home from his first day riding with a family friend, Jed Lewis, and he was ECSTATIC. He said that even though they did hardly anything, it was the most euphoric feeling he's ever had.
(Oh OH! He told me that they had an "informant" about a "drug dealer" in Shelley. But the "informant" never called back. Can you believe that!? In the freakin' tiny town of Shelley!? Weird.

I had to give a presentation this last week at school. People who had gone before me just got up in front of the class, with a single white sheet of paper and nervously talked about their book.( We had to give a book report. YES! That's right...a BOOK COLLEGE.)
I was SOO BORED by their presentations, I couldn't believe it. To make things worse, our professor said that their presentations were "A" presentations, which I was kind of blown away by.

So I signed up to be the first presentation of the next day. I decided I didn't want to do one of those boring, "flying by the seat of my pants" presentations. SO I prepared this power point presentation, stuffed with pictures, music, and interesting facts.

SO needless to say, I am now hated.

The professor got up after I was done and said that I was the most experienced in the class, that not only was I getting an "A+", but I had now set the bar.

Oh well. I would much rather be hated and have an "A+", than be boring with just a regular "A".

Other than that, not much has been going on. The dogs are becoming nocturnal monsters, and Bevan and I are becoming sleep deprived.
I guess this is what I have to look forward to with children??


I wish I had my camera!!

Sunday, February 10, 2008, I know that most of my posts are about my dogs or my husband. SO if you're sick of reading about them, stop reading..NOW.

Last night, Doomsday jumped up on my lap while I was sitting at the computer, which is nothing unusual. He hates it when Im at the computer for some reason, so he thinks that if he sits on my lap, it will distract me enough to get off the computer.
Anyways, I noticed that he had these two white things sticking out of his side, and honestly I thought that they were tiny feathers that were just stuck to his fur.
So I went to go blow them off, but they didn't budge.
So then I went to swipe them off, they didn't budge.
Finally I had to PULL these two tiny white things out of his side, and under closer inspection: they were TWO of my cat's CLAWS.

Yes, Doomsday pissed off our cat to the point where two of her claws were stuck in his side.
I kept them to show Bevan, because I had never seen anything like it. But I wish I would have taken a picture before I threw them away.

A bored sunday afternoon

Sunday, February 3, 2008

I know that today is Super Bowl, but since we don't have cable, and I'm not a big fan of football, I could really care less. But I am bored. Bevan is working, my mom is working, my sister is working, and Im at home with two dogs. So this is the result of that:

Also- Doomsday got in trouble for getting into the litter box, so what he does is he pouts for a while under the couch, and then comes to find me to "make up". Its so funny, he can't stand being in trouble. So he comes to me, and sits on my lap trying to look as sorry as possible.

Good Weekend

Saturday, February 2, 2008

So this weekend has turned out to be pretty good, for two reasons.
1. Im starting to do more scrapbook layouts, and I was pretty happy with how it turned out. Naturally, its about Bevan. I tried to choose dominate colors, so it wouldn't be too "girly".
My Love:

The journaling says:
"You don't like either of these pictures-but they are my favorite. You were such a handsome man at the age of 22, and if its possible-you're more handsome now at 25."
He really liked it, and I did too. I also experimented with "doodling"(scrapbook term.)

2.My ink arrived!!

I ordered some ink pads off ebay about four days ago, and they arrived today!! I was soooo excited when I saw them. There are 10 different colors, really high quality. And the best part is, I got them for $8.99. I can't wait to use them.
