Baby Update

Tuesday, December 30, 2008

In baby news...
My newest food craving is a little bazaar...

Yes, those are pickled jalapenos. I really love them right now. Especially with tortilla chips and cheese. I can't eat them all the time because of the lack of nutrition the chips and jalapenos have. AND they give me horrific heartburn which carries through the night and the morning.

Also, I can now feel the baby almost all of the time. I can feel him when he moves from one corner to another, but it's not as distinct as I know it will soon become. I can only feel it from the inside, so unfortunately Bevan has yet to feel it. It's interesting to feel him move- most people describe it as "butterflys" but to me it feels like when your on a roller coaster, and your stomach drops. Other times its just pressure. The little stinker likes to spend a lot of time on my right side-which is when I feel pressure the most.
I'll have to post pictures soon because I'm actually starting to show.

Stanton and Lani get hitched!

I know, I know- I really suck at updating this thing- so Im trying to catch up.

The day after Christmas- Bevan's brother ( the second oldest in the family) Stanton was married. It was a small and intimate ceremony at a local LDS church with just family. Bevan was the best man, with the youngest brother Grayson as another groomsman. Unfortunately, shortly after the wedding, the married couple had to drive down to Utah, where Lani lives, and Stan had to catch a flight back to Hawaii ( he's in the navy.)
We wish them the best of luck!

First Day

Monday, December 29, 2008

Ok, so I am going to take the next few minutes to brag about my incredibly talented, brilliant, and sexy husband.
Today was his first official day as an E.R nurse. To the average person, that doesn't seem like a big deal-but in the nursing world- it is.
Almost all hospitals require that nurses have their RN, and several years experience before they are allowed to work in an ER. However, Bevan only has his LPN. There are only a handful of hospitals in the US that have "bent the rules" to allow LPN's to work in an ER, and even fewer hospitals that have let an LPN work in a Level 1 Trauma ER, which is what EIRMC is.
The Director of the ER saw how smart, and witty, and talented Bevan was- and asked him to come and work for them. Although they are willing to break the rules for him, they still asked him to go back to school and get his RN- which he is willing to do- and they will pay for 80% of it.
I went and met him this evening with a pizza in celebration of his first day- and we got to talking about how lucky we are. How many people can say that they only have to work three days a week, full time, at a job they love?
The baby and I are very lucky to have a husband and a father who is so smart-and has a job where he can spend four days a week at home with his family.

It's Official

Wednesday, December 10, 2008

We are going private. I know I threatened this a few months ago- but I have come to terms with the fact that I really need to do this. Bevan is not comfortable with this blog in the first place- but having it made private puts his mind at a LITTLE ease. So, from the last time I threatened this- I have Talia, Meg's, and my grandma Cheley's e-mail addresses. The rest of you have until Wed. Dec. 17th to either leave me a comment with your email or send it to me at :
Anyone who does NOT send me their address in the form of an email, or a comment will NOT have access to our blog.
Thank you.

The baby.

So I think today might go down as one of the strangest, yet greatest days of my life. I had another impromptu ultrasound- and not even from my own doctor!
I went with my sister in law Mara to her big ultra sound appointment where they measure the twins' body parts, make sure everything checks out- and determine the sex of both babies. I went because I wanted to be supportive of her & gus, and I wanted to learn what to expect later on down the road. Needless to say, it was extremely interesting- and very cool!
Well after Mara's ultrasound, the doctor heard that I was also pregnant- and he asked if I wanted to take a look at the baby. I felt a little weird just because this was Mara's big day- not mine...but with Mara's blessing- I hopped up onto the chair.
And without further ado- I give you....the Baby Burnell.

The first picture up top was measuring his heartbeat- 149 bpm. The second two are what the baby did after the doctor shook my stomach to get the baby moving. Needless to say, I don't think the baby was very happy to startled from his peaceful nap. But that's was still really cool to see him ( or her) moving and thrashing around.

This picture is actually my favorite- you can see his little budding ear with his nose, mouth, and eye. He (or she) also has their little legs crossed- SO CUTE!!

My new best friend.

Tuesday, December 9, 2008

I am obsessed.
Of course I have to have it toasted so the meat gets cooked through- because pregnant people can't have cold lunch meat!!...Or beer, or sushi, or cigarettes... Who knew pregnancy would stop you from so many things? :)


Saturday, December 6, 2008

I was tagged by my dear friend Megan.
A--Attached or Single: Attached to the love of my life. :)

B--Best Friend: Bevan- and Mindy even though we hardly see each other anymore!

C--Cake or Pie: cake...Im not really a pie person.
D--Day of Choice: Sunday, it's the most relaxing.
E--Essential Item: Bee Kissed Mint Lip Balm...Im pretty much addicted to this stuff.
F--Favorite Color: brown, pink, green
G--Greatest Accomplishment: Probably my education
H--Hometown: I claim two- Idaho Falls and Liberal
I--Indulgences: Pepsi or coffee though I can't have much of either right now.
J--January or July: July- January always reminds me of dark & cold days.
K--Kids: Baby Burnell is on the way... :)
L--Life is incomplete without: my husband.
M--Marriage Date: March 11, 2006
N--Number of Siblings: Holy crap how many do I have now...? JUST KIDDING DAD( i love you.) I have 5 siblings.
O--Oranges or Apples: Oranges AND apples. I love them both.
P--Phobias or fears: losing a loved one.
Q--Quotes: "I haven't failed, I've just found 10000 ways that don't work."
R--Reason to Smile: The little baby B. My dogs make me smile a lot too.

They sure are crazy little rascals.
S--Season: Spring- when it's not too hot and not too cold. You can roll your windows down with the sun shining- and its almost perfect.
T--Tag 5 Friends: talia, audie, mara, nick, vandy
U--Unknown facts about me: I hate hate hate hate winding up the cord on the vacuum.
V--Very favorite store: any type of craft store or cooking store.
W--Worst habit: Popping my knuckles
X--X-ray or Ultra Sound: ultrasound...I'm starting to become a fan of these!
Y--Your favorite food: Chicken Caesar Salad or Taco Pizza!
Z--Zodiac: Aries