P.S- I love you.

Wednesday, January 2, 2008

Oh MY GOSH. This is the best movie. I went and saw it yesterday with Min, Amanda, Min's mom, and her moms friend. I can't even describe how I felt as I walked away from the movie theatre. I was mesmerized, sad, defiant,and intrigued. Dont get me wrong, it is absolutely 100% a "chick flick", and I don't even care. Normally with chick flicks, girls will cry here and there. But no, not in this movie. I cried the entire time. But it was so worth it. I can't wait for it to come out on DVD.


Talia said...

I wish I would of known!! The other day my sister and I were going to go to this movie, but when my husband got home from work he said his aunt went and saw it the night before and hated it. So instead we went and saw August Rush (which was good, but my sister had already seen it). So now after reading this, My sis and I are definitely going to have to go A.S.A.P.!! I need a good chick flick. I'm way over due for a good cry in the middle of the movie theater. I'm glad you shared your review!!