Twins' Blessing

Tuesday, June 30, 2009

This past Sunday, Mara and Gus blessed their twin girls. The blessing started at 9 AM at their church, but unfortunately- we were not able to make it. We were planning on it- but Parker had a bad night with an upset tummy- so needless to say none of us really got any sleep. (Thus the reason for no make up, and looking like the living dead- you'll see in the picture below.) However, we were able to make it to the luncheon they had afterward ( even though we were still late!). We had awesome pulled pork sandwhiches, baked beans, and funeral potatoes. We also got to visit with lots of family, and share this special day with the Clark family.

Parker with her great grandparents, Oma and Opa.

See- I look like the living dead. Awesome family picture.

Four generations.

Parker with her twin cousins- Kaya and McKenna