Happy Father's Day!

Sunday, June 21, 2009

So this year, I have TWO men in my life that I need to wish a Happy Father's Day!
First, is my dad.

You are seriously one amazing father! We have been close almost my entire life, and for that I am very thankful. You were the first one I would call when I had good grades...or when they were bad. You were the first one I would call when I had accomplished something, or when I couldn't figure something out. I depend on you for a lot, and I can always count on you to give it to me straight. I love you so much, and thanks for EVERYTHING.

Second, is my husband.

You have only been a father for a short 13 days- but it seems like you have been doing it your entire life! You are truly amazing with our daughter- and its so apparent to see how much you love her.

You are the king of giving baths, and such a good sport for taking the "late shift" so I can get some sleep. I literally tear up every time I see you with her, and I know the best is yet to come. I love you!