Beautiful Girl

Sunday, June 21, 2009

This post is for no reason in particular, other than to share some pics of our beautiful little girl.

We have no idea where she got all of that blond hair from. I sure hope it stays. I had blond hair as a little girl, but not when I was born. Her eyelashes are starting to come in now too- and they are LONG and blond, and curled. Lucky little girl.

This was right before her first doctors appointment, when she was only 4 days old. She kind of looks like an 80's Glam star-we were joking around that she looked like Olivia Newton John. But I loved her outfit- she was soooo dang cute. However, she only kept her shoes and socks on for about 12 seconds. She's not a big fan of anything on her feet.


Cheleymc said...

Would you please send the picture of Parker to the Herald-Democrat to include with a birth announcement? We also need to know the names of the Idaho grandparents and great-grands. I'm sure there's a bunch. Even great-great?? e-mail:;; Thank you!!