So I thought I had better write this down so I remember it. Maybe one day Parker will ask me about the day she was born, and I want to be able to tell her. Maybe she won't.
It all started at about 3:00 AM on Monday June 8th. I spent a good majority of the early morning in the bathroom with my stomach being extremely upset. So instead of waking Bevan with all of tossing and turning- I decided to sleep on the couch. So not only was my stomach upset, but I was having serious period cramps. At the time, I didn't realize they were contractions because it wasn't like people had described. They didn't come and go- it was consistent.
So 6:00 AM rolls around, and I called Labor and Delivery to see when they wanted me to come in to be induced (per my doctor). They told me to come in at 7:30 AM, and they would be ready for me. So I awoke Bevan, and took a shower. I also told Bevan about the cramps, but still didn't realize they were contractions. At this point, he started getting really excited/anxious.
So by the time I got out of the shower, and had gotten dressed- I finally realized I was having contractions, because at this point they were coming and I started timing them. By the time we left the house, they were 9 minutes apart. By the time we got to the hospital, they were 5 minutes apart.
After getting settled, doing all the paperwork, and getting the IV and Pitocin- the nurse came in and told me I was dilated to a 4. After about 45 minutes of suffering (for me at least!) with the contractions ( during this time I actually told Bevan I would NEVER do it again because they hurt so bad), the nurse told me I could have the epidural at any time since I was already dilated to a 4, and my labor seemed to be progressing quickly. By this point, I didn't want to feel the pain of the contractions anymore- which I was totally being a baby about. (Those women who go through the entire labor & delivery without drugs are seriously my hero's!) Ten minutes later, the nurse anesthetist was in our room inserting the epidural. It wasn't until I was sitting on the bed hunched over, clinging on to Bevan for dear life- that I finally had a break down. I started crying and shaking- I think it was the point that I realized this was actually happening.
From that point- it was all a breeze. We had family coming in and going for the next hour or so- all the while I couldn't feel a thing ( I then went back on my word and told Bevan I could TOTALLY do it again!) The nurse finally came back in and told me I was already at a 7- and I would be having the baby soon since my labor was progressing so quickly. About thirty minutes later, my doctor came in and broke my water, and told me that we would be having a baby soon. Ten minutes later, I had to start pushing. It was just me, the nurse, and my very very loving and supportive husband. After about thirty minutes of pushing, and my husband the nurse swapping hospital horror stories- they both realized that I was crowning and paged the doctor immediately. Two minutes later he was in the room, and about ten minutes later- our little Parker was born.
It really was an amazing experience, and I could never EVER thank Bevan enough for all he did for me that day. He was unbelievably amazing. Our bond became even closer that day- and we shared some great moments between the two of us during the whole labor process ( that I won't share on here).
And I have to say that I was one lucky girl to be admitted to the hospital at 7:30, and have our sweet P only four hours later.