Six months

Monday, January 4, 2010

Our little Parker Mae Mae turned SIX months old on December 8th. I know every parent says it- and I always thought it was lame when I heard it- but I can't believe how big she's gotten. Time really has flown by.
At her 6 month check up she...
*weighs 17.5 lbs ( 67%)
*is 30" tall (97%)

She now lurches forward when she's trying to grab something (while sitting down)...which means she can only crawl a few steps before falling on her face. (She gets kinda angry when she tries to crawl.) She can pull herself up to her knees with ease, but getting up all the way to her feet is a bit harder. She is still our sweet, giggling, feisty little girl.

Her new favorite thing is to have Bevan pat her back until she falls asleep. He's the only one who has the magic touch-and it's a tender moment to see them sitting on the couch- her snoozing away, and Bevan enjoying the (now very rare) cuddle time.


Anonymous said...

How precious!!!