Merry Christmas

Monday, December 7, 2009

Parkers first christmas tree.

This weekend we decided to drag out the Christmas decor.
We have a 9ft and this little 3 ft tree- and I was being lazy and decided to only put up the 3 ft. Shes still too young to really know what it is- so...once she has a better understanding of what Christmas is- we'll go all out with the big tree. I thought she'd be extremely fascinated with the lights- but so far, she's not that impressed. Apparently, she's seen better.

Speaking of Christmas...I opened one of Parker's "big" presents for her today. Keeping with the theme of "she doesn't know what Christmas is" led me to open it. Who am I kidding? I was just too excited and HAD to open it.
Its a little kitchen set for a 6-36 month old baby.

Look how scrumptious those thunder thighs are...

This toy counts, does the ABC's, has a switch which tells her when the light is on/off, sings songs, has a shape sorter, has a little stove, which sizzles when she "cooks". It also does too many things to keep is afterall, a little baby's toy. :) Why am I so excited?

My favorite picture...she was spitting at me. This is her new desired form of communication.

Merry Christmas everyone!!


Cheleymc said...

She is so cute! Can't wait to see her in person.

Anonymous said...

mmm I love that little beauty, she is so darling, even when spitting