Do other moms...

Wednesday, December 23, 2009

stay up much later than you should just because your child is finally in bed, and you finally get some alone time?

I've been doing this a lot lately, and losing a little bit of sleep- but I really like the me time.


Audie said...

I do it every night!!! I love the "me" time and stay up way too late and pay for it the next day.

Talia said...

Always! You have to savour every second where you get to just be you and yours alone. I've been doing this a lot. I should be sleeping while I still can before our new arrival, but I know that my alone time will be almost obsolete once he does arrives. (6 days in counting, infact!)

Even better is spending that time with your spouse. Jordan and I can get pretty silly once the kids are asleep and we remember the good ole days when it was just the 2 of us.