Saturday, May 3, 2008
Alright so I've been thinking about changing a couple things. Since I was classified as a "sequential learner" in my organizational behavior class, it seems natural for me to list my potential changes.
1. I've been thinking about doing a "recipe of the week" type thing, or maybe recipe of the month, depending on how busy and/or lazy I am. I love to cook and bake, and I come across a lot of great recipes, so I thought it would be cool to share, especially for those of you who are busy moms.
2. I've also been thinking that since Bevan and I really do not lead interesting lives, and our dogs are in very little danger of being "dogknapped", I don't think I will make our blog private. Let's face it, not that many people read this thing, so as for now, it will remain public. However, once I feel like something in our lives has changed, or if I get a creepy comment, then it will be made private. Those of you who sent me your e-mail address, I will keep them for future use, if need be. I will also delete your comments in which you posted them so other people won't have access.
3. I also thought about maybe doing some craft tutorials on here, or on Messy Bess. I've had a few people ask me how I do certain things, and I ain't no Martha Stewart, but I would certainly be willing to create a tutorial for those "craft challenged" people. ;)
But believe me, being creative and coming up with new things is very hard, especially for someone like me who likes to use the word "ain't".
p.s- I totally thought of all these ideas in the shower. Gross, huh?
I'm excited for the recipes! I love to cook. I don't have a lot of time for it now, but I hope to soon. Tummy time just allows babies to work on their neck strength. We kept her hands covered so she couldn't scratch the crap out of her face.
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