Sunday, May 11, 2008
1. I have a very strange obsession with . I have loved them ever since I was about 8 years old, and still to this day I listen to them.
2. I am the second eldest of six children when it comes to my dad, and the baby of the family when it comes to my mom.
3. I am pretty sure I had an eating disorder when I was in the 9th grade. It wasn't because I thought I was fat, or because I wanted to punish myself, I think it was mainly because of stress. I had just moved to my mom's house, and I had never really lived away from my dad before. I was also dating a boy who wasn't very nice to me, and I was involved in a lot of sports, which I had also never really done before. I think I ate maybe two full meals in about 3 months. I remember my skin looked weird (like a really light yellow), and my hair would fall out every time I touched it. Which is why now I force myself to eat when I'm not hungry...which is now to my detriment!
4. I am extremely messy, hence the nick name 'messy bess.' I love to drag stuff out, but I hate putting it away. It will stay out for 2-3 days before I get sick of tripping over it, and then I will put it away.
5.I absolutely hate any type of insect, but I especially hate grass hoppers. I think they are one of the creepiest things alive, especially when they jump on your legs, and won't let go...ugghh.
6.I love reality t.v- even though it's once of the most mindless things EVER.
7. Growing up I dead set against getting married or having babies. I was never really one of those girls who dreamed of a white wedding, and having lots of kids. I always wanted to go to college, make money, be successful, and live on my own forever!
I Tag: whoever wants to do it.
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