2 months old!

Friday, August 14, 2009

Our little sweet P had her two month check up on Tuesday! Besides getting three shots in her legs ( and crying hysterically for a few minutes)- she did really well and is growing like a weed!

Here are her two month stats:
*11 lbs, 15 oz
*24" long
*15" head circumference

Some interesting facts about our sweet girl:

*She is starting to smile on her own- not just gas smiles! When shes in a really good mood( which is like 6 days a week!) she gives us the really "gummy" smiles.

* She is starting to roll on her side.

* She loves to wiggle. She will scoot all the way down to the end of her cradle during the night, and she trys to wiggle out of your arms when holding her.

*She loves loves loves the bath! It doesn't matter how hungry, or upset she may be- as soon as I put her in the bath, she cheers right up. She's also starting to play in the bath. She kicks and flails her arms, and then gives us this excited/happy look...like she's VERY proud of herself for kicking so hard, it made a little wave.

* She is sleeping 5-6 hours a night, and then going right back to bed after eating.

*She is really starting to coo, and find her voice. She makes funny girgling sounds, and screeches when she's happy.

* She's still really into going on walks. She stays awake for almost the entire walk, and spends most of her time staring up at the trees.

* She still hates having anything pulled over her head.

Funny stories from this past month:

* We were over at my moms house on an extremely hot evening. She was completely undressed (letting her "air out" before we put another diaper on.) Thor, who was right by her, barked at something- it scared her so bad she peed all over my moms blanket.

*There was one night when she farted so loud, she scared herself! She didn't cry, but she got this very wide-eyed look on her face.


Talia said...

I love the farting story. I remember Caleb farting in the bath tub and it startled him. Things like this make all the hard work worth it!