July-August pics

Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Trust me, I have a lot more pics than just these! But I don't want to be one of those annoying moms thats trying to convince everyone that MY baby is the cutest by overloading this blog with 1000 pics! So these pics are mainly for the family that's in the midwest, and on the east coast.


Chillin in the Bumbo

Little P in the Bumbo. It was so funny because Thor was very very protective of her in that thing...i don't know why. But he didn't leave her side until I took her out of it.

Such a little cutie! We were laughing because the flower was almost as big as her head.

Kicking in the bath. She sure does love being in the bath. She loves it so much that once the water starts getting a little cold, I will empty some of it out, and put more hot water in it, so she can continue to play.


Talia said...

You load as many pictures of your baby on here as you want. It's your blog after all. The more pictures the better, I think.

She is such a cutie!

Cheleymc said...

She has those chubby cheeks like Mike had.