One month old

Wednesday, July 8, 2009

Today Parker is officially one month old. It's amazing how fast time goes by. She is really and truly a good baby. Most of the time she is very content- only crying when she's really hungry, or has a really gassy tummy. I've only seen her get really upset a handful of times. Other than that, she just sort of fusses to let us know when she has a wet diaper, or is tired. Since we haven't been to the doctor in two weeks, and aren't scheduled to go for another 4- I will have to guess on her stats:
One Month Stats
9lbs, 19.5 " long

Her likes:
*Mom's Milk(she gets VERY excited, and sometimes frustrated at feeding times)
*Sleeping on dad's chest
*Going for walks
*Sleeping in the car seat
*Her pacifier, especially when she's tired
*The curtains in her room

Her dislikes:
* Being in a wet diaper (but she doesn't mind the poopy ones!?)
*Having her clothes changed
*She's not a huge fan of being in the cradle, but she tolerates it.

She's progressed into sleeping 4-4.5 hours in a row at night before waking up to eat, and she has become very good at putting herself to sleep.

She had ONE blissful wonderful night where she slept for almost 7 hours straight, but it's only happened the one time.

Here are a couple pictures at one month:

Hanging out with her dad

I love this picture because she likes to give me the pouty lip look.

I got this idea from my sister in law Mara-each month you take a picture of the baby next to a stuffed animal so you can track how big they are getting. SO this is her with her stuffed animal Thor that her dad bought for her.


Cheleymc said...

I need to send you the picture of you visiting with Memos when you were about that age. It looks like Parker.

Meg said...

jess in case you didn't see my comment of facebook. I'm in town for a few days and i would love to come and see you and parker if you are available of afternoon.