Pineapple Sorbet

Sunday, May 17, 2009

So if any of you have an ice cream maker, and you like pineapple- I have the perfect recipe for you!
Let me first start by saying that the ONE thing I really wanted when Bevan and I got married was an ice cream maker, and I received one thanks to The Moore's!( We have a Cuisinart Ice- 200) Skip to three years, two months later- I finally used it!!
This stuff is amazing...

Pineapple Sorbet
1/2 pineapple, cut into small pieces( about 2 cups)
1/2 cup water
8-10 tblspns sugar

--Combine pineapple, water, and 8 T sugar into blender. Blend until smooth. Taste- may need to add more sugar. ( Note: when I made this, I didn't have a full half of a pineapple, so I only added 7 T of sugar- and when I tasted it I thought it was too sugary and granular- but I went ahead anyways. If yours tastes like this- DON'T WORRY. When you put it in the ice cream maker, the granular texture goes away)

--Take the blended mixture and chill thoroughly. (I put it in the freezer for about 30-40 min.)

-Pour into ice cream maker, following manufacturers instructions.



Meg said...

ice cream makers are the best. i cam back just to get this recipe for dinner tonight. can't wait. i just use the book that came with ours for recipies and i love them. hope you are doing well.