Baby Update

Tuesday, December 30, 2008

In baby news...
My newest food craving is a little bazaar...

Yes, those are pickled jalapenos. I really love them right now. Especially with tortilla chips and cheese. I can't eat them all the time because of the lack of nutrition the chips and jalapenos have. AND they give me horrific heartburn which carries through the night and the morning.

Also, I can now feel the baby almost all of the time. I can feel him when he moves from one corner to another, but it's not as distinct as I know it will soon become. I can only feel it from the inside, so unfortunately Bevan has yet to feel it. It's interesting to feel him move- most people describe it as "butterflys" but to me it feels like when your on a roller coaster, and your stomach drops. Other times its just pressure. The little stinker likes to spend a lot of time on my right side-which is when I feel pressure the most.
I'll have to post pictures soon because I'm actually starting to show.

Stanton and Lani get hitched!

I know, I know- I really suck at updating this thing- so Im trying to catch up.

The day after Christmas- Bevan's brother ( the second oldest in the family) Stanton was married. It was a small and intimate ceremony at a local LDS church with just family. Bevan was the best man, with the youngest brother Grayson as another groomsman. Unfortunately, shortly after the wedding, the married couple had to drive down to Utah, where Lani lives, and Stan had to catch a flight back to Hawaii ( he's in the navy.)
We wish them the best of luck!

First Day

Monday, December 29, 2008

Ok, so I am going to take the next few minutes to brag about my incredibly talented, brilliant, and sexy husband.
Today was his first official day as an E.R nurse. To the average person, that doesn't seem like a big deal-but in the nursing world- it is.
Almost all hospitals require that nurses have their RN, and several years experience before they are allowed to work in an ER. However, Bevan only has his LPN. There are only a handful of hospitals in the US that have "bent the rules" to allow LPN's to work in an ER, and even fewer hospitals that have let an LPN work in a Level 1 Trauma ER, which is what EIRMC is.
The Director of the ER saw how smart, and witty, and talented Bevan was- and asked him to come and work for them. Although they are willing to break the rules for him, they still asked him to go back to school and get his RN- which he is willing to do- and they will pay for 80% of it.
I went and met him this evening with a pizza in celebration of his first day- and we got to talking about how lucky we are. How many people can say that they only have to work three days a week, full time, at a job they love?
The baby and I are very lucky to have a husband and a father who is so smart-and has a job where he can spend four days a week at home with his family.

It's Official

Wednesday, December 10, 2008

We are going private. I know I threatened this a few months ago- but I have come to terms with the fact that I really need to do this. Bevan is not comfortable with this blog in the first place- but having it made private puts his mind at a LITTLE ease. So, from the last time I threatened this- I have Talia, Meg's, and my grandma Cheley's e-mail addresses. The rest of you have until Wed. Dec. 17th to either leave me a comment with your email or send it to me at :
Anyone who does NOT send me their address in the form of an email, or a comment will NOT have access to our blog.
Thank you.

The baby.

So I think today might go down as one of the strangest, yet greatest days of my life. I had another impromptu ultrasound- and not even from my own doctor!
I went with my sister in law Mara to her big ultra sound appointment where they measure the twins' body parts, make sure everything checks out- and determine the sex of both babies. I went because I wanted to be supportive of her & gus, and I wanted to learn what to expect later on down the road. Needless to say, it was extremely interesting- and very cool!
Well after Mara's ultrasound, the doctor heard that I was also pregnant- and he asked if I wanted to take a look at the baby. I felt a little weird just because this was Mara's big day- not mine...but with Mara's blessing- I hopped up onto the chair.
And without further ado- I give you....the Baby Burnell.

The first picture up top was measuring his heartbeat- 149 bpm. The second two are what the baby did after the doctor shook my stomach to get the baby moving. Needless to say, I don't think the baby was very happy to startled from his peaceful nap. But that's was still really cool to see him ( or her) moving and thrashing around.

This picture is actually my favorite- you can see his little budding ear with his nose, mouth, and eye. He (or she) also has their little legs crossed- SO CUTE!!

My new best friend.

Tuesday, December 9, 2008

I am obsessed.
Of course I have to have it toasted so the meat gets cooked through- because pregnant people can't have cold lunch meat!!...Or beer, or sushi, or cigarettes... Who knew pregnancy would stop you from so many things? :)


Saturday, December 6, 2008

I was tagged by my dear friend Megan.
A--Attached or Single: Attached to the love of my life. :)

B--Best Friend: Bevan- and Mindy even though we hardly see each other anymore!

C--Cake or Pie: cake...Im not really a pie person.
D--Day of Choice: Sunday, it's the most relaxing.
E--Essential Item: Bee Kissed Mint Lip Balm...Im pretty much addicted to this stuff.
F--Favorite Color: brown, pink, green
G--Greatest Accomplishment: Probably my education
H--Hometown: I claim two- Idaho Falls and Liberal
I--Indulgences: Pepsi or coffee though I can't have much of either right now.
J--January or July: July- January always reminds me of dark & cold days.
K--Kids: Baby Burnell is on the way... :)
L--Life is incomplete without: my husband.
M--Marriage Date: March 11, 2006
N--Number of Siblings: Holy crap how many do I have now...? JUST KIDDING DAD( i love you.) I have 5 siblings.
O--Oranges or Apples: Oranges AND apples. I love them both.
P--Phobias or fears: losing a loved one.
Q--Quotes: "I haven't failed, I've just found 10000 ways that don't work."
R--Reason to Smile: The little baby B. My dogs make me smile a lot too.

They sure are crazy little rascals.
S--Season: Spring- when it's not too hot and not too cold. You can roll your windows down with the sun shining- and its almost perfect.
T--Tag 5 Friends: talia, audie, mara, nick, vandy
U--Unknown facts about me: I hate hate hate hate winding up the cord on the vacuum.
V--Very favorite store: any type of craft store or cooking store.
W--Worst habit: Popping my knuckles
X--X-ray or Ultra Sound: ultrasound...I'm starting to become a fan of these!
Y--Your favorite food: Chicken Caesar Salad or Taco Pizza!
Z--Zodiac: Aries


Monday, November 24, 2008

About three things I was certain.
Edward was a vampire.
A part of me thought Edward was really sexy, and I knew exactly how dominate that part was.
And I was unconditionally and irrecoverably in love with this movie.

I take back all of the negative stuff I said. I have seen the movie three times now, and it gets better and better each time.

Review of Twilight

Sunday, November 23, 2008

Ok so if you have not seen the movie, and plan on should stop reading NOW.
Last night, my mom, sister, and I FINALLY went to see the movie ( two days after it came out was a little long for me) and I have to say that I have mixed reviews. If I was to follow that weird thumb rating those movie guys do...I would say one thumb up, one thumb down.
For the negatives...
*Their cinematography was really strange. It was like a low budge film company tried REALLY hard to make it a high budget film...but it fell short. There were some parts where the actual image on the screen was just what a documentary looks like. Its hard to explain...if you guys have seen it, you'll know what I'm talking about.
* Whoever cast Jacob and Jasper should be fired, ESPECIALLY because of Jacob. When he came on screen...laughter literally rang out through the theater. It was bad.
* Bella also fell short. There was a little bit of bad acting...but that is just one girls opinion.
*The climbing and running kind of bugged me. It was a little hokey, but I can't think of a better way they could have showed I guess this complaint gets canceled out.

Now for the positives( which I would say this movie had more positives than negatives)...
* They did a FANTASTIC job on showing the intensity and devotion Edward has for Bella. In some parts, it actually gave me butterflies.
* They also did a great job on showing their love for each other...a lot of the key scenes between them was exactly how I had imagined it when I read the book.
* They did a great job on casting Emmett( Holy crap this guy was HOT!) and Alice and Dr. Cullen.
* Robert Pattinson did a great job as Edward. I know there are going to be a lot of people that disagree with this...but holy hell that guy is sexy. The way he talked, moved, and interacted with Bella was a lot like I had pictured it in my head while reading the book. At times he was a little awkward, sorta funny ( whether he meant to or not), and he did a great job showing the kind of love that exists between him and Bella.

Although I had mixed feelings when I left the theater, I will still see it again, and I will probably own it when it comes out on DVD. The best advice I can give on seeing this movie is : don't expect everything to be exactly like the book. And form an opinion for yourself, not based off what other people have said.

...there are no words

Friday, November 21, 2008

This probably has to be one of my favorite moments on the best show EVER...

A week of good deals.

Monday, November 17, 2008

So this past week at work, I have come across some AMAZING deals. It's all been baby stuff...which makes me think it's some sort of sign.

1. The booster seat.

I found this Safety First booster seat at work for only FIFTEEN DOLLARS!! It was originally about $110...and it comes with all this fancy stuff. I realize I won't actually need this for a while, but with it being almost 200% below cost- I couldn't pass it up. I also scored two more of them for my sister in law who is having twins!
It's kind of if we have a girl- I'm going to have to find a cover for it- or just let her sit in a boy seat.

2. The diapers

It was kind of weird that I found these diapers. They were returned- and sitting in an odd aisle. Since my job requires me to pretty much know everything- I knew that they were something we no longer carried- which usually means they mark them down to get rid of them. So I bought this box of 216 diapers for SEVEN BUCKS! They were also somewhere around 200% below cost...and everyone keeps telling me that I will only need ONE box of size 1-2 diapers because the baby will grow so fast. Well, now I have my box.

3. I found a Carter's two-piece red & white outfit for $2! I didn't take a picture of it...but its actually the first real outfit I have bought for the baby. The pants are cargo, and the shirt says "Daddy's Hero" & has a fire truck on it. If it turns out to be a girl...well...if any of you get pregnant again- you should expect an outfit from me!

Exciting news

Holy crap its been a long time since I have updated anything on here! It's been damn near a month! I would love to blame it on the daily grind of life, being too busy with school and work...but really, it's because I'm lazy.

Last week Bevan was offered a job to work full time in the ED ( It stands for Emergency Department...which is the E.R to us "common folk." However, Bevan insists on calling it the ED...which irritates me.) The amazing thing is that almost all ER's require nurses to have their RN- which Bevan does not. He only has his LPN but since he is an incredibly brilliant & talented nurse, they are willing to let him bypass the rules (temporarily) and work solely in the ER. I say temporarily because they are sending him back to school! He will most likely start in January, and in about a year and a half- he will have his RN. Another great thing is that they will be paying for 80% of his schooling, while working around his schedule. He will actually have a pretty decent schedule, have more hours per pay period, and make more money. He is slightly irritated and bummed out that he has to go back to school- but he knows the opportunities that await him when he's done.

Bevan and I are also getting everything in order so we can sell our house! Although we currently live in a 3 bedroom house, it is simply not big enough, especially with our expanding family. We don't really need more bedrooms, we just need more storage space. We are looking at a house in Shelley that was completely remodeled and is across the street from some of our good friends- but we are also keeping our options open. So if you know of any cute houses for sale, let me know! ( It has to be at least 3 bedrooms...)

This week I will be busy with the Festival of Trees! This year I am actually selling about 70 items- which are the newborn hats, toddler hats & the headbands. I also made up some really cute treat bags. So if you guys live in IF- you should go and support the festival! It officially started today, but it had odd hours- but the regular hours start tomorrow. It will be from 10AM-10PM all the way through Friday. I plan on being there as much as I can- so I hope to see some familiar faces!

Surrounded by idiots

Tuesday, November 4, 2008

So coming down to the main campus in Pocatello on election day was a big mistake. I am literally surrounded by liberal "because it's cool" college students. Here are just a few examples of some of the things I have heard today:

* "I'm voting for Obama because Palin is an idiot. She graduated from Univeristy of Idaho. That would be like me running for President."

* "When McCain was taken during was captured for a few years during some war- I can't remember what its called- but you know what I mean. He was beat so bad that he HAS to have brain damage. I don't want someone with brain damage running the country."

* "McCain is so old he's only going to live for like another year. I know it."

*" Have you ever heard Palin speak- she's illiterate. She uh says stuff like 'uh, and stuff.'"

I'm pretty sure my head is going to explode.

Unexpected Ultrasound

Monday, November 3, 2008

So today was Bevan and I's second appointment with my OB-GYN. I must say the second visit was a lot simpler, funner, and more exciting than the first. Since I am now 9 weeks pregnant, and after reading several pregnancy books- I knew that the baby now has a heartbeat- and I figured it was this appointment we would get to hear it.
Well, I was right.
As soon as we got there, he pulled out the sound machine, and for several minutes tried to locate the heartbeat- but couldn't. Trying to not think the worst-and hoping and praying that everything was alright- the doc said we were going to the ultrasound room "to make sure everything was okay." By this time, I was nearly in tears trying REALLY really hard not to freak out. But five minutes later- Bevan and I were staring at our unborn child with a heartbeat that was racing a mile a minute. It was literally- the most amazing thing I had ever seen.
We saw his little eyes, and his big head- and the most amazing thing of all- was how BRIGHT his heart was- and how big it was compared to his body. It was truly amazing.
All in all the appointment lasted maybe 15 minutes- and as soon as we walked out the door- I was kicking myself for not getting a picture from the ultrasound. But really we were both in too much shock & amazement to actually think clearly.
I guess we'll have to wait for 11 more weeks!

Check it out!

Saturday, October 25, 2008

So today at Recipezaar I am Chef of the Day!!
Just go to and you can see my shiny white face-and look at all my recipes/recipe reviews/etc. However, I am only going to be on the main page until 12 PM tonight.

One complaint.

Friday, October 17, 2008

In a few days, I will be going on 7 weeks of pregnancy. So far everything is ok, but I do have one tiny complaint...or maybe two.

It's kind of ironic that during breast cancer awareness month- mine are hurting so bad, all I can think about is giving mine up.
They hurt so bad, I find myself avoiding pot holes in the street, stairs, and any type of physical activity that might involve some form of jumping, or lifting. If this continues to go on...this might be my only child.

Other than those two very painful things attached to my chest, things with Bevan and I have been going great. I am still trying to juggle 6 classes, 25 hours of work/week, and keeping the house clean. It's usually the house that suffers, but I know I only have to keep this schedule up for a few more months. Bevan and I haven't done much planning or buying when it comes to the baby simply because we don't know what it is. However, we already have a crib ( not yet purchased) thanks to Bevan's side of the family. I did however buy my first official baby item almost a week ago. It was a 3-pack of tiny white and yellow socks- they were just so darn cute. It was actually kind of a traumatic experience just because it made the situation that much more real...however, it only lasted a few seconds. I guess my reaction time to this pregnancy situation is getting better and better each day!

Week 5 stats

Wednesday, October 8, 2008

This week, the baby is about the size of a PEPPERCORN! ( That's quite a size difference compared to a little tiny poppy seed!)

And here is what they said about his development:
Already a busy little bee, your developing embryo now has three layers. The outer layer, or ectoderm, will develop into the nervous system, while the endoderm, or inner layer, will become the liver, pancreas, intestines, and bladder. This week, the mesoderm, or middle layer, is developing into the heart and circulatory system, which will be the first organs to function. In the weeks to come, the mesoderm will also form the bones, muscles, kidneys and reproductive organs.

This stuff is all so fascinating. I really should have paid more attention in school!


So today Bevan and I had our first doctors appointment! And the Big day is...
(can i get a drum roll please?)

June 7th!!

Everything checked out as normal, and the doc says we are both doing fine! They also estimated that I am 5 weeks 2 days pregnant.
They sent me home with a TON of stuff- I got like 8 magazines, three binkys, a ton of Similac and Enfamil samples ( I even got a big can of Similac), plus coupons & other stuff. It was kind of crazy! But I guess since I will be visiting them so much, and paying them a buttload of money, they had to give me something, right? ;)

jlb & baby

Week 4 Stats

Friday, October 3, 2008

So some of you ladies may not find this as interesting as I do since you guys are now pro's at being moms! But I can't help but be fascinated by this whole process...
So this is what he's like at four weeks...(oh! and by the way, I have a gut feeling its a boy- So I will be referring to it as a "him" until otherwise informed.)


So right now he is the size of a poppyseed. Since he is too little to get an accurate measure, they guesstimate he is <.25" long and weighs less than .25 oz
His nerve growth has begun, and he is starting to form a spinal column.

Excuse me? What does that say?

Thursday, October 2, 2008

If your trying to figure out what the picture is- let me clear it up for you. Those would be three POSITIVE pregnancy tests taken by ME. So...I'm pregnant. It's still a really hard concept for me to grasp, but I'm hoping one day it will all make sense!

As you can guess this was a HUGE shock for both Bevan and I- but we are taking it as well as can be expected for people who were just totally blindsided. Don't get me wrong, we are both extremely thrilled and happy- but as of right now- all we can feel is shock. Oh, and TERRIFIED.

My first doctors appointment is next week in which I will get a due date. If you were to go by the conceived date- I'm almost three weeks. However,I guess doctors don't really do that- they go by the first day of your last period. So going by that method- I'm about four and half weeks pregnant.

I would imagine there will be a TON of posts about this newest curve ball life has just thrown us- but for now, I'm just waiting for the shock to wear off.

No need to panic. I got a replacement

Saturday, September 20, 2008

I would like you all to meet someone very special to me.
Someone who has just come into my life recently.
Without this someone....I would be lost.

My new coffee maker. The Delonghi Automatic 14-Cup Drip Coffee Maker that has a built in timer.

♥ ♥ ♥
p.s- Bevan's right. I am an addict.

6 years and counting

Thursday, September 18, 2008

So here in a few days, Bevan and I will have been together for SIX years. It's amazing how fast time flies. In honor of this occasion, I thought I would share a little bit of our history.
Bevan and I met when I was a senior in H.S, and he was in nursing school. We both worked at Shopko, where I had been for about a year or so- and he was hired on as seasonal help. The first day we ever talked, I was assigned to show him around, and our first assignment was to clean up the picture aisle. It's amazing because I can still remember that day vividly. Instantly, I had a crush on him for many reason.
A. He had tattoos.
B.He was in a band.
C. He was sooo incredibly smart, which I found very attractive.
D. He was not afraid to put me in my place. I will admit, I tend to be quite spoiled- and I loved the fact that he was not willing to take any of my B.S

However, he had a significant other (who he had been with for about two years), as did I ( but mine was a stupid highschool thing). So from that point on, we were really good friends, and hung out together as often as we could. We would go to shows together, or watch Star Wars- or go out to lunch.
Finally, graduation comes-and the day after I graduated, I went back to Kansas to have my last "responsibility-free" summer (and boy did I EVER. Another time though.)
During the summer, I actually started dating (for the second time) a boy I had been "in love" with since the ninth grade. We made all these plans that I was going to go back home to Idaho, stay for one semester, and then I would move back to Oklahoma, and we would go to O.S.U together. Well, at summer's end, I reluctantly moved back to Idaho- and within a few days, Bevan and I were hanging out again. One night, he finally spilled the beans and told me he was in love with me, and that him and his long time girlfriend had broken up.
And as they say...the rest is history.

(This is just the shortened version. There is a LOT more to the story, but I HATE it when people just ramble on on their I'm doing I thought it was time to end it!)

A couple pics from our Paris honeymoon. I will try to find some oldschool pics and scan them in.

No more

...putting my crafts on this blog. This blog is to be about Bevan and I- not my crafts. :) So, all of my crafty type stuff will be moved to my Messy Bess blog- which I believe is:
But I will post a quick blog to let everyone know the for sure address, and when its up and running.

Two new Christmas/Winter Hats

Thursday, September 4, 2008

Two new hats for ages 2-6.
I can't wait until the Festival of Trees to try and sell these!

SHS 2002

Wednesday, September 3, 2008

Tonight while avoiding homework and watching Jerry Springer- I got an idea.
Sometimes I will think back to when I was in High school, and I will wonder about a certain person- like whatever happened with their life.
I have actually reunited with a few people from HS through blogspot- but I thought, why not make a SHS class of 2002 blogspot where everyone can get updates?
Popular, unpopular, athlete, drama nerd, would just be really cool to see what everyone has been up to! it is:

Follow the instructions, and spread the word- and we'll see how many people we can get!

Just a little update...

The past two weeks have been busy busy busy! Between going back to school, work, family visits, and just every day life- we have been really swamped.

Tomorrow is the end of my second school week! I can't believe two weeks have already gone by...which means May will be here in no time. I do have a lot, and I mean a lot of homework-which I have yet to do. I was naive for thinking that 17 credits my last year would be easy. It's alot harder than I ever thought.


In other news, my little brother(22) is visiting from Hawaii!! He is stationed on the Marine base there and got back from Japan not too long ago. He has been here for about two weeks, and doesn't have to go back until Sept. 14th. His wife and little girl Addison ( the cutest baby ever) are living with my mom until he goes back- so I've been spending a lot of time with them. My moms parents also came for a visit this past week from Cape Cod. I literally had not seen them in about 5 or 6 years, so it was really nice catching up. They also invited Bevan and I down to stay with them on the Cape and do some sight seeing in Boston. We're going to be taking them up on that offer sometime next year, which Bevan is really excited about.

On Saturday, my little sister(17) and I will be driving down to SLC to pick up my grandma on my dads side! She is coming to visit for about a week- which I am really excited about. Her and I are very close- and it's so refreshing to have so much family around.

Sorry for the lack of pictures! I have not been carrying my camera around with me. But before my brother and grandma go back, I swear I am going to get some pictures!
Until next time...


Some new stuff!

Saturday, August 30, 2008

In between school and avoiding homework, I have been working on a few things.
Hot Pink w/ star:

I really like this one. Christmas Ivory w/ poinsetta:

Halloween Black & Purple:

I made a sale!!

Today is the day of sales for me!

Tonight, I sold my first official baby hat on Ebay.
This is the one I sold to a lady out of San Diego.

I also sold one of my headbands to a friend- which was also really exciting. And I also sold one of Bevan's old textbooks today on was a little random.

I'm thinking today is my lucky day and I should buy a lotto ticket.

But I'm really super excited I finally sold some of my stuff. It's always easy to convince yourself that you like something since your the one that made it! But today after selling two of my things- it just gives me the confidence to keep going!

If you need a new phone...

Sunday, August 24, 2008

I highly suggest the Blackberry Curve.

Bevan and I each got one yesterday and we have been doing nothing but playing with them ever since. It is amazing some of the stuff it can do. It has a really really nice camera, and MP3 player, XM radio, and a GPS. Of course you have to buy the extended package to get the XM radio and GPS capabilities- but Bevan and I decided to test them out first before we do any upgrades.

I'm excited for this phone because I can browse like 1000 different games on it, and I can either buy them or do the free trial run. It already has one of my all time favorite games downloaded on it- it's going to be perfect since school starts tomorrow!!


Thursday, August 21, 2008

I had a couple comments about my profile for Bevan. Under it I said he "spent most of his time working in the ER, painting little men, and complaining about Mrs. B's obsession of reality t.v." The comments were, "what in the hell is painting little men!?!?"

And then I remembered that not everyone is a Burnell.

haha...and it was kind of funny for me to take a step back and realize that if you aren't a Burnell- the phrase "painting little men" might be a little strange, to say the least...

Bevan, his dad, and all of his brothers play this game called Warhammer 40,000 or "40k" for short. I call them "little men."

It's a game very similar to Risk- that it involves strategy, and planning, and war. But you use little figurines that you can leave as is, or you can paint. This game is HUGE worldwide and you can actually enter your "little men" into contests to see which one is painted the best, or the most lifelike- because it takes a lot of talent to make a little 4" figurine look like a killing machine.

Anyways, hope that clears up any confusion...

Project: Laziness

Monday, August 18, 2008

My goal this week is to be laziest I can possibly be. So that leaves me with six days to lay around on the couch, watch reality tv, and forget all my troubles behind. Why might I be doing this? Well, it's because Idaho State starts back up on Monday Aug. 25- the day I no longer have freedom and become a slave to idiotic liberal professors who take their aggression out on unsuspecting college students like myself. Bevan has yet to be privy to my "no showering, screw housework" plan...but he will soon find out. :)

In other news, today was my first day of "THE diet." I must say, it went really really well.I was literally eating every two hours. I also feel really good- not once did I think I was being deprived of anything. I can already tell how much I am going to like this "diet" because I never once felt starved- which I loathe about certain diets. I also wrote down when I was eating, and what I was eating each time I had a meal. It really helped me keep on track, and organized so I didn't mess up. I think the only thing I will have a problem with is getting my lazy ass up to make and/or prepare my meals for the day when I am working.
Other than that, the Burnell household is pretty quiet these days.


Beyond Calories

Saturday, August 16, 2008

So thanks to my wonderful sister in law Mara- I will be starting a new "diet." I don't really want to call it a diet, because it's not really like that. I don't really have to give up much- besides portion size! I don't even have to give up carbs or my beloved coffee ( or creamer)! It goes in ten day cycles- and it shows you how to mix foods, so your body is burning the maximum amount of calories. I also get to eat SIX times a day- which works out for me since I'm pretty sure I'm hypoglycemic.
I'm doing this with my friend Mindy- we are starting on Monday. After the ten days- we decided we are going to take one day "off" from the diet- and have a girls night out. I'll keep ya'll updated, and let you know how successful it is- or how hard it is to follow, stuff like that.


Wednesday, August 13, 2008

Generally speaking, I have a relatively high tolerance for pain- but watching Bevan suffer is worse than any physical pain I have ever been through.

Bevan is going through a really rough time right now. There were things that he was really trying to accomplish this year- and none of it is working out. I hate seeing him so upset, and so down on himself. It just kills me. I can see what a talented, brilliant, giving man he is- but others can not. I wish I could force people to see who he really is- because he is truly a great guy. I'll be praying for him to catch a break- because he is the one person I know who deserves it the most.

New stuff!!

Tuesday, August 12, 2008

So for the past few days I have been working on some new stuff! I'm actually pretty excited, and have already posted it all on Etsy.
The ones Im really excited about are these new crocheted baby beanie hats I made.And here are a couple more headbands I've made:

Wide Headbands

Monday, August 4, 2008

Since Bevan is gone to Boise- I find myself not wanting to sleep. So here are the other headbands I've been working on.


Here is what I have been working on the past few days, in between reading Breaking Dawn! (I'm trying to read this book slower so it will last longer.)

Anyways, these are some baby headbands I have been working on to sell either on, direct, or at the festival of trees!

All of these above, I'm going to be selling for $5 each, or 2/$8.50

I have some other stuff...but I'm feeling lazy, so I'll post it later.
Till next time.


Friday, August 1, 2008

Sam's Club will be selling Breaking Dawn for $13.54, which is cheaper than Wal-mart, hastings, and Barnes & Noble. They received close to 200 copies- so it should last a while.

I went back to receiving today to look at them. All I have to say is: Wow. I read the back of it too- and my heart melted. I also started thumbing through it- and it looks like it's going to be a goody. I can't wait for tomorrow when I can legally read it.

Happy reading everyone- I'm sure the blog world will be quiet for a few days.


Friday, July 25, 2008

I saw this on someone else's blog, and it made me bawl. It's really very cool.


Here are the directions if you want to play.

1. As a comment on my blog, leave one memory that you and I had together. It doesn't matter if you knew me a little or a lot, anything you remember!

2. Next, re-post these instructions on your blog and see how many people leave a memory about you. It's actually pretty funny to see the responses. If you leave a memory about me, I'll assume you're playing the game and I'll come to your blog and leave one about you. If you don't want to play on your blog, or if you don't have a blog, I'll leave my memory of you in my comments.

She plays for both teams!

Wednesday, July 23, 2008

(I've been watching a lot of F.R.I.E.N.D.S lately, so you might want to ignore my random quotes)
Anyways, somehow, in the past week, I have been signed up to play two sports! Anyone that knows me knows that I am not the most athletic person in the world. Granted, I try and run several times a week, and I played soccer for a few years when I was younger- but thats the extent of my athletic abilities. However, that does not stop Bevan. Last week he came home and told me that we were going to the soccer fields to meet up with a bunch of our friends to play an impromptu game. Much to my surprise, I actually enjoyed it, even though it almost killed me. Then tonight he came home and asked if I wanted to join a softball league with a couple of our other friends, and I thought: why not? I've become a fatty lately, so this is a good way to get in shape and spend time with the hubby. So for the next five weeks before school starts, we will be busy with soccer on Thursday nights, and softball on Friday nights. F.Y.I- if you see my face in the obituary in the coming weeks, you now know why.


Today I received my acceptance letter to the HCA program! Even though this is my last year, HCA doesn't make you go through all the b.s other programs do. You only have to apply to the program once you get to the point of taking 400 level classes, which I am! I am so so so so excited that there IS an end in sight. Yes, it sucks that it took me this long to get through school- sometimes I still have a really hard time with it. The best advice I could ever give someone is KNOW what you want to be before you start school. Research it out, have a general idea. People who think that they will go to college with the hopes of figuring it out during school will end up being like me- and taking SIX YEARS of their life to get a bachelor's. But on the bright side: at least I'll have my degree and start to earn real money.

In other news, I recently finished working on a Thanksgiving scrapbook/recipe book which turned out awesome! My MIL and I also came up with an idea about how to sell them because I have had a lot of interest in buying one, so once I get all the kinks worked out, I'll post it on here.

There is also other news regarding Bevan, but I'm going to wait to spill the beans on that one so I don't jinx it. My poor baby's had a lot of bad luck recently, so hopefully things will start looking up!

Night's like these

Sunday, July 13, 2008

Bevan has been working a lot of swing shifts in the E.R the past few months, and tonight is no exception (working 3pm-3am). It's nights like these that make me miss him so much. Even though I saw him approximately 7 hours ago-- I feel like it's been days. I called his phone, just so I could hear his voice. I knew he wouldn't answer since he's obviously busy doing other things (like treating 14 year old boys with cut off fingers, and pregnant teenage girls who treat the E.R like their own personal gynecologist..true story!) But I was hoping against hope that he would answer, and deal with his pathetic wife!

It's also nights like these that make me realize how much I take his presence for granted. It's comforting to have him sitting in the next room painting, or to have him in the living room screaming obscenities at the t.v as he plays x-box live! It's the small, every day things that I take for granted.

It's also nights like these that make me realize one horrific fact: I might not be a good mom. When I am home alone with the dogs ( more specifically, it's one dog in particular), they(he) drive me insane! They're constantly in my face, or around my feet, tracking my every move. It made me realize that if I can't handle a tiny, needy little would I ever handle a small child!?

Well- the moral of the story is...I miss my husband.

I love ya babe, and can't wait until 3 A.M when you're back home.


Friday, July 11, 2008

I'm giving it a try.

Etsy is a website where people can go & try and sell their hand made stuff. It only cost me about $1.00 to post 6 items, so I figured, why not?
Here is some stuff I put on there:
Baby Announcments ( set of 5): $10.50

"Thinking of you" card. $4.00

I feel a little...apprehensive about putting my stuff out there because there are soooooooooooo many talented scrappers out there...much more talented than I. But I figured I'll never get better, or go anywhere if I don't start trying. I'll try and post my own little website on Etsy once I found out what it is so you can visit my "shop."
