Tuesday, November 4, 2008
So coming down to the main campus in Pocatello on election day was a big mistake. I am literally surrounded by liberal "because it's cool" college students. Here are just a few examples of some of the things I have heard today:
* "I'm voting for Obama because Palin is an idiot. She graduated from Univeristy of Idaho. That would be like me running for President."
* "When McCain was taken during war...like...he was captured for a few years during some war- I can't remember what its called- but you know what I mean. He was beat so bad that he HAS to have brain damage. I don't want someone with brain damage running the country."
* "McCain is so old he's only going to live for like another year. I know it."
*" Have you ever heard Palin speak- she's illiterate. She uh says stuff like 'uh, and stuff.'"
I'm pretty sure my head is going to explode.
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