Pumpkin Patch

Wednesday, October 14, 2009

This past Sunday we took the twins and Parker to a local pumpkin patch to get some pictures taken. I really wish there was a warm and fuzzy story to go along with the VERY adorable pictures...but sadly there is not. There was a mis-communication amongst the family, Bevan was upset, and it was freaking freezing outside- but such is life.
However, all was forgiven-and we went back to Galene's house for a delicious lunch. And all was certainly not lost, because we got these cute pics of our baby girls:

Thank you Gus for taking the pictures-and thanks Mara and Galene for putting up with us cranky Burnells!!


Talia said...

You've really got to quit rubbing your beautiful daughter in my face...LOL!! Of course I'm just teasing, but man is she a cutie! What i'd give to put a cute little sweater and headband on a baby!

Holidays are the best with kids. You get to live vicariously through them!