Kid Cinema

Thursday, September 24, 2009

Last Saturday, Bevan, Mara (bevan's sister), Galene (Bevan's mom), and I all deep cleaned our house in order to get it ready to sell. Mara has a set of twins that are just two and a half months older than Parker, and she brought them over as well. Since there were 3 babies, and 4 adults- we needed something to entertain the little kidlets while we finished cleaning. So Mara popped in her Baby Einstein DVD- and all 3 babies were mesmerized. It was the cutest thing in the world.

Stadium seating, with a good view- all they were missing was their popcorn and diet coke!

Parker got most excited on the Dogs section, and the Bugs section. I can hang with her loving dogs- but NOT bugs. Please oh please do not let her like bugs.


Audie said...

Haha....that is SO cute!!