Day with Em.

Sunday, March 9, 2008

Last Sunday was the day after my dad's birthday. I went over to my moms house to have a "family" dinner- and it was awesome since my baby sister was there.
(But first I have to put this in, because he's so damn cute.)
When DD knows we are about leave- this is his reaction.

He immediately runs to his cage. He would rather be locked up than ride in the car. I think I've traumatized him by taking him to the vet and the groomer's.

This is Thor's reaction to DD being such a baby:

So I finally coaxed him out of his cage- and off we went to my moms house.
Emily and I have so much fun when we get together, she brings out the little kid in me. We had a dance contest, sang opera, played hide and seek, and "spied" on mom and dad.

She's such a pretty girl.

This is Em singing her "opera". If you ever get a chance to listen to it, you should- even if it's at the expense of your ear drums.

Me and Em Shmem being weirdo's.


This is Emily dancing. We had a "dance contest" with just the two of us. She totally kicked my trash. You should see some of the dance moves this girl can BUST out.

Not only can she sing opera, is a dancin' queen, she can also "rap". This particular rap was about how "Dad told me to go potty, but I didn't want to go. He said 'GO POTTY' and I said no."

This reminds me of Mary Catherine Gallagher.
"Sometimes, when I get nervous, I stick my hands under my armpits and than I smell them like this! SUPA STAR!"


We had a lot of fun just being dorks. You may be asking yourself WHY oh WHY would I have a picture of her foot? WELL...when we were having the "dance contest", she wasn't paying attention, and accidentally slammed her foot into the wall. I thought for sure we were going to have water works and a big drama fest, but instead, she looked at me and said:
"Ow. I just hurt my foot. Let's take a picture of it!!!"

That's my girl.