psychogeometrics test results

Wednesday, March 26, 2008

Ok so here are the test results for the pyschogeometrics ( look two posts down.) This is a test we did in class, and I was the only one out of 26 students to choose the square. My logic was because it was the most even, and organized of all the shapes- which makes sense when you read the information about squares. It was weird, the square fits me to a tee with the exception of having sex on a schedule...that was little weird. But anyone who knows me knows that I make schedules, and lists. I map out plans for myself, and things have to happen within a certain time frame, or I get upset.SO this test kind of freaked me out a little...

Triangle: These people are headliners. They are highly charged and always on the go. Emotions are not often shown. They like to hold a high moral ground and to convince others they are right. They can be great lovers. They are motivated by the 2nd emotional referral zone* and the desire to reach their highest potential. They are afraid of an unfair advantage being held over them. When upset, they want things done now. When under stress they become belligerent. If they are made to solve someone else's problems, at the expense of being heard themselves, they become angry.

Square: These people are sticklers for details. They are task oriented and like to use calendars and schedules. They like policies, procedures and data acquisition. They are very time oriented. They separate different areas of life — such as work and home, as well as tasks — in order to prevent anything from invading what is inside the box. They are great documenters. They are motivated by the 6th emotional referral zone* and details. They prefer sex on a schedule. Their greatest fear is to be wrong. What's missing in life for the square is usually something inside their own box. Under stress they become critical.

Circle: These people are process oriented. Relationships count. They do not like to say "no." They are accommodators and are nurturing. They like to get multiple opinions. They want sex on demand. They are motivated by the 1st emotional referral zone* and a sense of security. Their greatest fear is poor performance, which would mean a loss of identity to them. Under stress they lock down. Process must go well for them to be effective at work.

Squiggle: They are multi-task oriented. They have high energy, are eccentric and like to do fifteen things at once; getting them done is another issue. All the details about everything count. They like to break the rules. They like kinky sex. They are motivated by the 3rd emotional referral zone* and the desire to have fun. Their greatest fear is losing social approval or status. Under pressure they cry.

Rectangle: This is a transitional, temporary or chameleon shape. They are very perceptive and never study themselves introspectively (but when they do, things will be great). This shape presents at life landmarks such as adolescence and mid-life crisis. They are sociable, friendly, open-minded and unpredictable. They are looking for love and harmony, without personal commitment. They are motivated by the 4th emotional referral zone* and forgiveness. Their greatest fear is finding their true self and accountability (they live by "say what others need, and do what you want").

Lots o' baking

Sunday, March 23, 2008

I love being out of school!! My spring break officially starts on Monday, but since I don't have any school on Fridays- mine unofficially started two days ago. Ever since then, I have done nothing but catching up on cleaning, laundry, and the best part: Baking!
DISCLAIMER: I am a huge dork.
That being said, since I am a member of Recipezaar, there are certain contests you can enter as far as making recipes and then reviewing them. I also take pictures of the recipes and submit them for contests as well. SO I have been catching up on certain recipes I wanted to try, review, and take photo's of.( Note: if you have never been to, i highly recommend you do! They have the best recipes, and its so organized- its easy to find anything. If you stop by there, look me up- my name is JLBurnell.)

Here is what I have made so far!
Caramel Rolls:

Homemade Peanut Butter Cups ( like Reece's):

And Runza's ( or also known as Beerox. It depends on what part of the country you are from. If you don't know what they are, its bread stuffed with ground beef, cabbage, onion, and lots of pepper. They are excellent.):

I'm hoping this week I can make a lot more! I just wish my husband would start eating all the leftovers, because my fridge can't take any more!

Take this test!!

Thursday, March 20, 2008

So I had to take this test in my leadership class at school. The test is called a psycho-geometric test, and it's basically a personality test. I thought it was really interesting because I was the ONLY one out of my entire class to choose one of the particular shapes, and it pissed a lot of people off. So, I want you guys to try it!
Ok, so for the test- look at the following five shapes. There is a Circle, Square, Rectangle, Triangle, and Squiggle. Choose the shape that you feel describes YOU. Don't over think it. Don't over analyze. If you can't choose just one shape, pick the one that sticks out to you the most. Tomorrow, or Saturday I'll post what they mean.

The best words

Sunday, March 16, 2008

I'm writing this here, because I never want to forget it.
Last night as Bevan and I were lying in bed, he said to me:

"You know, Jessica..You're the last thing I think of when I'm falling asleep, and you're the first thing I think of when I wake up."

I love this man.
♥ ♥ ♥

Still to come

I know, I know. I have all these promises of future blogs, but have yet to deliver. I just have a lot on my plate before spring break, and I HAVE to concentrate on school, or I'm going to screw myself over.
This is what I will be blogging very soon...

***Pics of the cutest neice EVER, Addison

***Pics of our Anniversary Trip to SLC

*** Pics of my new baby brother, Cameron.

So, I'm only three behind. Not bad.

Day with Em.

Sunday, March 9, 2008

Last Sunday was the day after my dad's birthday. I went over to my moms house to have a "family" dinner- and it was awesome since my baby sister was there.
(But first I have to put this in, because he's so damn cute.)
When DD knows we are about leave- this is his reaction.

He immediately runs to his cage. He would rather be locked up than ride in the car. I think I've traumatized him by taking him to the vet and the groomer's.

This is Thor's reaction to DD being such a baby:

So I finally coaxed him out of his cage- and off we went to my moms house.
Emily and I have so much fun when we get together, she brings out the little kid in me. We had a dance contest, sang opera, played hide and seek, and "spied" on mom and dad.

She's such a pretty girl.

This is Em singing her "opera". If you ever get a chance to listen to it, you should- even if it's at the expense of your ear drums.

Me and Em Shmem being weirdo's.


This is Emily dancing. We had a "dance contest" with just the two of us. She totally kicked my trash. You should see some of the dance moves this girl can BUST out.

Not only can she sing opera, is a dancin' queen, she can also "rap". This particular rap was about how "Dad told me to go potty, but I didn't want to go. He said 'GO POTTY' and I said no."

This reminds me of Mary Catherine Gallagher.
"Sometimes, when I get nervous, I stick my hands under my armpits and than I smell them like this! SUPA STAR!"


We had a lot of fun just being dorks. You may be asking yourself WHY oh WHY would I have a picture of her foot? WELL...when we were having the "dance contest", she wasn't paying attention, and accidentally slammed her foot into the wall. I thought for sure we were going to have water works and a big drama fest, but instead, she looked at me and said:
"Ow. I just hurt my foot. Let's take a picture of it!!!"

That's my girl.


Bored at school.

Thursday, March 6, 2008

I should be studying for a test right, but I really don't want too. I think I'm burnt out.
SO THIS is what I did!!


Wednesday, March 5, 2008

I realize I haven't posted in a while. This week is Midterm week, thus the reason for no posting. Plus, today is Wednesday, which is my worst day of the week. I'm tired from having to be to work at 6 AM, I make bad choices with food because I am tired,and then I have class in Pocatello, and in Idaho Falls. I won't get done until about 10 pm tonight.
SO I do have some pictures to post, one of DD being a moron, and some awesome pictures of me and my baby sister.
So- more to come...