A bored sunday afternoon

Sunday, February 3, 2008

I know that today is Super Bowl, but since we don't have cable, and I'm not a big fan of football, I could really care less. But I am bored. Bevan is working, my mom is working, my sister is working, and Im at home with two dogs. So this is the result of that:

Also- Doomsday got in trouble for getting into the litter box, so what he does is he pouts for a while under the couch, and then comes to find me to "make up". Its so funny, he can't stand being in trouble. So he comes to me, and sits on my lap trying to look as sorry as possible.


Talia said...

I'm so glad you joined the biggest looser with us! It's going to be alot of fun and great motivation. What great is I have never met any of these ladies. So they don't know how fat I really am. I LOVE that! Good luck with the diet!

Lisa-Marie said...

I'm glad that you are joining as well. It will be fun to lose some pounds and make some new friends!

P.S. I got the same sweatshirt you are wearing for Christmas from my little sis. but it was too small. See, that's why I need this challenge.

It's nice to "meet" you.