Monday, November 5, 2007
So on Friday, I got to sign up for my classes for next semester. It's unreal how fast this school year has gone by. It's also nice, because I just got my Senior level status, which means I get to sign up for my classes first. I'm actually really excited for next semester. One reason is because that means I am one step closer to finally being done. The other reason is because I am taking a lot of very interesting classes.
These are the classes I am looking forward to:
- Health care Leadership
- Insurance & Reimbursement
- Health care Practice Management
- Health Law & Bioethics
I told Bevan that I was really excited about taking Law & Bioethics, and the Insurance class, and his response was "Wow. You really belong in this field, because you're a nerd."
But I am taking two classes that I am not excited about. They are the sequel to accounting, and the sequel to statistics. They're okay, but not very interesting. Anyways, just thought I would share how excited I am to be taking more HCA classes!
Love the new layout!
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