Bevan's "first"

Wednesday, January 28, 2009

So I am not writing this blog because its really life changing, or interesting to anyone else besides Bevan and I. But I am writing this because I never want to forget.
This morning at two o'clock when Bevan came to bed ( his work schedule has changed dramatically) we were laying there talking about what to name our little girl. Like usual, his hand frantically searched under the covers until he found my protruding belly, where he finally rested his hand. In the middle of telling me his "great idea" of a name (which wasn't great...haha), the baby kicked me squarely in the stomach- which I had been used to now for about a week. However, this was Bevan's first time ever feeling her move. She proceeded to kick several times, each of them coming after he would speak. His reaction was so funny, that I'll never forget.

B: What in the...?Is she moving?
J: Um, yes.
B: Woah.....WOAH...HOLY CRAP!!!

From that point on, he spent from 2:30am-3:00am trying to feel her kick again. I realize that this is not significant because everyone knows the baby moves in the womb. However, it was significant for us. It was the first time Bevan really experienced what I had been feeling for a month now. It was the first time Bevan really felt connected to her. It was the first time I had ever seen Bevan so in awe since I had gotten pregnant. To me, it was our first real night as a family.
And I never want to forget it.

The results.

Tuesday, January 20, 2009

The countdown begins

Monday, January 19, 2009

In 19 hours, and 26 minutes, Bevan and I will FINALLY find out the sex of our little baby. I........... CAN ........NOT ............WAIT! I have to get up REALLY early and go to work, then go to school, and then back to work. But after THAT- we find out the sex!
Seriously- it's been driving me CRAZY not to be able to properly plan and prepare for this baby. I'm not one of those people who can do the "neutral" green/yellow/white thing.
In addition to finding out the sex, the doc will also do all of the "fetal growth" checks, and make sure he/she is developing correctly. More than wanting to know the sex, I want to know that everything is fine and healthy with the baby-because that's matters most. It's really scary being in this position, and having no control over his/her development- I never really understood why pregnant mothers freaked out about this kind of stuff until now.
Well, wish us luck...


Thursday, January 15, 2009

Today, while wasting 5.5 hours in Pocatello waiting for my next class to start-
I came across something kind of cool. It's a website that allows you to customize and create your own signature....aka- a trend in the blog world. See example at the end of this post-it's what I came up with because I was sick of scrolling through all the different fonts (see, I told you I was bored.)
Just go to

Also, I created my own cupcakes cookbook by stealing recipes and AWESOME ideas from Its on my blog list on the side.
Holy crap that girl is creative!
So I printed off 97 pages (take that ISU!) of pictures and recipes of some of the coolest cupcakes I have ever seen. If you love cupcakes, you should visit this site!
(Also, if any of you want the document I created complete with pictures and recipes, let me know. I saved it just in case! And you don't have to print it... I just did because ISU keeps raising their tution, and I feel it's my right! :) )


Saturday, January 10, 2009

I saw this on someone's blog and thought it was kind of cool- so if any of you want to steal this idea- feel free!

Achievements of 2008
*Celebrated our 2 year anniversary
*Got pregnant
*Put our home up for sale
*Completed another year of school
*Went on vacation
*Bought Bevan a new car
*Saw lots of family we had not seen in a long time!

Goals of 2009
*Have a beautiful and healthy baby- an easy delivery would be nice too!
*Sell our home
*Buy a bigger home
*Buy Jessica an SUV ( Bevan doesn't agree with this goal!)
*Graduate college!!!!!(Only 4 months and counting)
*Get a job in the health care industry where I can work just a few days a week
*Celebrate our three year anniversary
*Celebrate Bevan's 27th and Jessica's 25th Birthday (Yikes!)
*Have many family gatherings with all of the new babies! (There are going to be 4 new babies on Bevan's side of the family)

2008 was a good year- but it definitely had its ups and downs! I am looking forward
to 2009 because it's going to house my greatest accomplishments- having our baby and graduating college!

Ride Along

One of the main reasons I decided to make this blog private was because Bevan also works part time as a police officer in a local town. He had to work there last night and asked if I would be interested in doing a Ride Along.
My first question was, "Can we make out in your car?" And he said NO! Can you believe that!?!?
Even though he shot me down- I decided to go anyways. I was only with him from about 8pm-11pm because I had to get up early and go to work the next day- but it was still a fun three hours. We pulled over two people ( both women..haha), roamed the streets, and listened to the busy police calls of surrounding areas. I heard calls ranging from someone reporting a registered sex offender to someone calling and complaining about a car alarm going off!
It was a good time and extremely informative, and I wish I had pictures to show- but along with making out- it was against the rules!

My husband the Star Wars nerd

Saturday, January 3, 2009

You gotta love him.
I think this was when he was doing his impression of a gay storm trooper.