We're leavin' on a jet plane...

Saturday, June 21, 2008

...don't know when I'll be back again.

Ok. That's a lie. We'll be back in six days. Hopefully I'll come back with excellent pictures, a tan, and no dramatic experiences with a tornado.
Pray for me. Pray that I don't throw up in Bevan's lap and embarrass us both. My motion sickness has gotten so bad, I get sick just walking in the tunnel from the airport to the plane.

Take care.


New Obsession

Friday, June 20, 2008

So I have found a new obsession! www.flylady.com
This site is amazing. It's to help keep your house free of all the clutter, and keep you on a schedule as far as keeping your house clean and organized. As "granola" and "free spirit" as this sounds...it also focuses on working yourself. I love it because she does things in lists, and post it notes...and I am obsessed with lists and have post it notes everywhere! So if you feel like your house is cluttered and you just can't keep up...visit this site. I will be starting this "program" when we get back from KS.

Also...I realize I haven't been blogging lately...I wish I had a good excuse, but I don't. It's pure laziness. Coming up, I have pictures of Bevan's "Dunk-A-Cop" booth, and funny pictures of how Doomsday wishes he was taller.

waiting for the other shoe..

Monday, June 16, 2008

I just got an e-mail saying that I received a $2833 scholarship for next semester! They were only giving out TWO of them, and there were about 2000 people that applied for it- 75 of which were from my major.
This is a great way to start my last year of college!

My baby brother

Sunday, June 8, 2008

So tonight my little brother ( by little, I mean 22) called me! He is in the Marines and has been over in the Japan/Korea area since January...and I literally had not talked him since way before that. So needless to say, I am on a high right now! It's very true what they say, distance makes the heart grow fonder. Growing up, we didn't get along at all. But now, he's grown, and has a wife and child and I have so much love and respect for him. He also called to tell me about his new tat.

If he wasn't my brother, I would steal this idea because I've wanted a tattoo for a while now.
I'm just so glad to hear that he is safe. I really miss him.


Mindy's graduation!

Monday, June 2, 2008

It occurred to me tonight as I was going through the pictures on my camera that I forgot to blog about one very important matter. On May 10, 2008 my BFF Mindy GRADUATED COLLEGE!!! Woohoo!! She now has her Bachelor's in HRD (Human Resource Development/Corporate Training). So instead of going to the boring, 18 hour long graduation ceremony, she decided to have a BBQ for all her friends and family. A week before the BBQ was to commence, we decided to get together and put my MANY MANY scrapbook supplies/papers to good use and made some invitations. I really liked how they turned out.

I would love to have posted pictures from her super fun BBQ...but I don't have any because I couldn't go!! It sucked. Bevan graduated on the same day, around the same time, so thats where I was.

Too many projects!!

Crap!! Today I realized that I am one of "those people" who starts a bunch of projects, and then never completes them!! I need help trying to prioritize which projects need to be completed.
These are all of the projects I have started in the past two weeks and have yet to complete ONE:

Exhibit A:
** A cupcake cookbook.(I got really bored today, and had a sudden idea) I re-covered a .75$ notebook I got at the D.I...but I still need to do all the pages to go inside the book.

Exhibit B:
**Going through all my old Taste of home magazines, and cutting out recipes. I have scattered pages EVERYWHERE in my scrap room and living room.

**A self hanging desk calender. I sketched out the dimensions, and what type of wood I want to use...but have yet to make it.

** Cloth baby shoes. I cut out the pattern, and started sewing...then got frustrated and stopped.

Exhibit C:
** Cloth baby boots. It's not completed for the same reason as above.

Exhibit D:
**Baby head bands...I have two complete, and 18 more to go. I got bored.

**My Father's day present( it's a re-designed frame, and really personal...I can't wait till it's done!!) So far all I've done is start painting it.

Look at that! I have started SEVEN projects in the past two weeks, and don't have ANY of them done. My crap is everywhere.I don't think Bevan had any idea what he was getting into when he married me.
Not to mention this is my last week of summer school and I have 8 chapters of homework due by Thursday, an extra credit project due Thursday, and a final on Thursday. Plus I have work, laundry, dishes, and vacuuming all to do. Also, certain people have been bugging me to write more in my "book"...but I got writer's block and stopped at CH.7.

I need "you start one too many projects" therapy.


p.s-I am doing all the baby projects in an attempt to sell them later on down the road...it's not because I am with child.